Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

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Daftar Review Antivirus Terbaik 2014 Terbaru

Belajar Komputer - Antivirus merupakan salah satu Software yang wajib Anda pasang di komputer untuk mengamankan data dan file-file pada komputer/laptop Anda. Anda bisa menggunakan Antivirus Gratis atau Antivirus Berbayar untuk mengamankan data komputer Anda. Sehingga Anda tidak perlu khawatir komputer Anda akan terserang virus baik melalui jaringan maupun media lain (Flashdisk, Hardisk Eksternal, dll). Banyak sekali vendor yang mengklaim mereka memiliki Antivirus terbaik menurut mereka, akan tetapi penilaian Antivirus terbaik itu bisa kita lihat dari para reviewer yang senantiasa memberikan penjelasan dari berbagai sisi, sehingga Anda bisa menentukan sendiri mana yang terbaik menurut Anda, apakah Anda akan menggunakan Antivirus lokal ataukah Antivirus Internasional. Baru-baru ini toptenreviews.com merilis Daftar Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2014 di Dunia, penilaian yang dilakukan dari berbagai sisi, mulai dari sisi Performance, Features dan Help & Support yang diberikan dari masing-masing vendor Antivirus. Berikut Saya sertakan acuan penilaian yang dilakukan oleh TopTenREVIEWS dari sisi Performance, Features dan Help & Support. PERFORMANCE There is an independent test lab named AV-Test that exposes antivirus software to malicious threat samples numbering in the tens of millions. Using a testbed consisting of hundreds of workstations networked to dozens of servers, AV-Test discovers how various security software products fare in terms of protection, repair and usability. These results are well-respected by the antivirus vendor community and by informed product users. FEATURES With performance as the foundation of any antimalware product evaluation, it is then appropriate to consider which features you require and which features would simply be nice to have. Our review makes it easy for you to figure out whether any particular contestant protects you from phishing, or flags threats in email and instant messages, or recognizes when you insert a thumb drive so it can scan for threats. HELP & SUPPORT After you have a fix on the best antivirus software for you in terms of performance and features, then make yourself aware of how the software publisher supports its users. The best vendors are those that you can reach 24/7 via live online chat, telephone or email. There are vendors who are not reachable 24/7 and who don’t support online chat, so be aware of what you can live with before you purchase. Who's WIN ? Mari Kita kupas satu persatu mulai dari segi Overall Rating, Performance, Features dan Help & Support siapa yang menjadi pemenangnya. 1. Performance Performance Antivirus Performance Dari segi Performance, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus bertengger pada urutan pertama dengan 9.73 poin dan mengungguli Antivirus yang lain, kemudian disusul dengan Kaspersky Antivirus, Norton Antivirus pada urutan kedua dan ketiga dengan poin sama 9.48, selanjutnya ada F-Secure Anti-Virus, G Data Antivirus dengan poin sama yaitu 8.90 dan ada AVG Antivirus, BullGuard Antivirus, Avast! Pro Antivirus, Panda Antivirus Pro dan terakhir McAfee Antivirus Plus. 2. Features Features Antivirus Features Dari segi Features, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, Kaspersky Antivirus, AVG Antivirus, BullGuard Antivirus, Panda Antivirus Pro memiliki poin yang sama yaitu 10, sedangkan Norton Antivirus dengan 9.88 poin hanya bisa bertengger di posisi kedua yang disusul F-Secure Anti-Virus pada posisi ketiga dengan 8.00. Avast! Pro Antivirus, G Data Antivirus, McAfee Antivirus Plus mengisi posisi selanjutnya dengan 7.50 poin. 3. Help & Support Help & Support Support Help & Support merupakan salah satu hal terpenting ketika Anda melakukan penjualan suatu produk, dan ini bisa menjadi salah satu Cara Untuk Meningkatkan Penjualan Online produk Anda, tidak terkecuali produk Antivirus, karena hal ini bisa dijadikan salah satu tolok ukur kepuasan pelanggan. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus, Kaspersky Antivirus, Norton Antivirus, F-Secure Anti-Virus dan AVG Antivirus mampu mendapatkan nilai sempurna dalam hal Help & Support, kemudian disusul McAfee Antivirus dan BullGuard Antivirus pada posisi kedua dengan perolehan poin 9.75. Sedangkan G Data Antivirus hanya mampu meraih poin 7.50, diurutan terakhir ada Avast! Pro Antivirus dan Panda Antivirus Pro yang masing-masing hanya bisa mendapatkan poin 5.25 dan 5.00. 4. Overall Rating Winner Best Antivirus Winner Setelah dilakukan penilaian secara keseluruhan, akhirnya ditentukanlah pemenang Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2014 ini oleh TopTenREVIEW dari poin yang sudah dikumpulkan. Bitdefender Antivirus Plus keluar sebagai urutan pertama Antivirus Terbaik 2014 dengan 9.80 poin kemudian disusul Kaspersky Antivirus pada urutan kedua dengan 9.60 poin dan Norton Antivirus pada urutan ketiga dengan 9.57 poin. Sedangkan urutan 4-10 berturut-turut adalah F-Secure Anti-Virus (8.77), AVG Antivirus (8.75), BullGuard Antivirus (8.73), G Data Antivirus (8.55), Panda Antivirus Pro (8.07), Avast! Pro Antivirus (7.82), McAfee Antivirus (7.80). Pastinya setelah membaca update diatas, Anda sudah mengetahui Antivirus Terbaik Tahun Ini. Jika masih kurang jelas silahkan lihat gambar berikut. Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Performance Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Performance Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Features Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Features Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Help & Support Antivirus Terbaik Berdasarkan Help & Support Rekap Antivirus Terbaik 2014 Rekap Antivirus Terbaik 2014 Jika Anda ingin Download Antivirus Terbaik 2014, Saya juga sertakan link pada masing-masing Antivirus berikut ini: DAFTAR ANTIVIRUS TERBAIK 2014 Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Bitdefender Antivirus Plus Kaspersky Antivirus Kaspersky Antivirus Norton Antivirus Norton Antivirus F-Secure Anti-Virus F-Secure Anti-Virus AVG Antivirus AVG Antivirus BullGuard Antivirus BullGuard Antivirus G Data Antivirus G Data Antivirus Panda Antivirus Pro Panda Antivirus Pro Avast! Pro Antivirus Avast! Pro Antivirus McAfee Antivirus McAfee Antivirus Sekian dulu update mengenai Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2014 kali ini, semoga bisa memberikan manfaat untuk Kita semua dan semoga dengan update kali ini Anda bisa mendapatkan tambahan ilmu mengenai Antivirus Terbaik dan Ringan yang cocok untuk komputer Anda. Baca juga update sebelumnya mengenai Tips Cerdas Merawat Komputer Tanpa Teknisi, Semoga bermanfaat dan Salam Berbagi.

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Jumat, 26 Desember 2008

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


I'd never given much thought to how I would die — though I'd had reason enough in the last few months — but even if I had, I would not have imagined it like this. I stared without breathing across the long room, into the dark eyes of the hunter, and he looked pleasantly back at me. Surely it was a good way to die, in the place of someone else, someone I loved. Noble, even. That ought to count for something. I knew that if I'd never gone to Forks, I wouldn't be facing death now. But, terrified as I was, I couldn't bring myself to regret the decision. When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. The hunter smiled in a friendly way as he sauntered forward to kill me.


Senin, 22 Desember 2008

Dale Carnegie-How to Stop Worriying and Start Living

How This Book Was Written-and Why

Thirty-Five years ago, I was one of the unhappiest lads in New York. I was selling motortrucks for a living. I didn't know what made a motor-truck run. That wasn't all: I didn't want to know. I despised my job. I despised living in a cheap furnished room on West Fifty-sixth Street-a room infested with cockroaches. I still remember that I had a bunch of neckties hanging on the walls; and when I reached out of a morning to get a fresh necktie, the cockroaches scattered in all directions. I despised having to eat in cheap, dirty restaurants that were also probably infested with cockroaches. I came home to my lonely room each night with a sick headache-a headache bred and fed by disappointment, worry, bitterness, and rebellion. I was rebelling because the dreams I had nourished back in my college days had turned into nightmares. Was this life? Was this the vital adventure to which I had looked forward so eagerly? Was this all life would ever mean to me-working at a job I despised, living with cockroaches, eating vile food-and with no hope for the future? ... I longed for leisure to read, and to write the books I had dreamed of writing back in my college days. I knew I had everything to gain and nothing to lose by giving up the job I despised. I wasn't interested in making a lot of money, but I was interested in making a lot of living. In short, I had come to the Rubicon-to that moment of decision which faces most young people when they start out in life. So I made my decision-and that decision completely altered my future. It has made the last thirty-five years happy and rewarding beyond my most Utopian aspirations.
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Kamis, 03 Juli 2008

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